Meetings with relevant authorities and set up coordination mechanisms.
Collect of available data and information relevant to project.
Study and review of all available studies and reports.
Identify gaps and further necessary field investigations.
Upgrading and rehabilitation studies of the existing network, proposal and study of variants, modeling of the network by WaterGems and dimensioning of its components.
Elaboration of detailed studies, execution studies and tender documents
Rehabilitation study of the raw water intake station 156 l/s.
Rehabilitation study of a treatment plant composed of a raw water storage tank, flocculation/coagulation tank, settling tank, sand filters, backwash pumps and a treated water storage tank.
Rehabilitation study of a pumping station for treated water to a storage and regulation tank with a flow rate of 275 l/s.
Technical studies of design, sizing and financial estimation of: a 500 m3 capacity tank and 2 underground tanks of 1,000 m3 capacity each. 2 water towers with a capacity of 5,000 m3 each. A new pumping station. HDPE pipes of 315 mm diameter with a total length of 5,403 meters.