STUDIES OF THE WATER RESOURCE OF DEM LAKE : Hydrological studies, Study of the risks related to the quality of the water of the lake, Other water uses around the lake
Elaboration of general diagrams of the project to strengthen the DWS system of kaya and construction of the ASP systems of korismoro and Boussouma
Study the feasibility of general drinking water supply schemes for the cities of Kaya, Boussouma and Korsimoro, before studying an APS and an APS for its implementation.
Study of preliminary and detailed designs for the construction of a distribution network in Boussouma
Study of preliminary and detailed designs for the construction of a distribution network in Korsimoro
Projected water demand: estimated domestic water demand based on population projec-tions, estimated demand at standpipes and uses other than domestic
Energy supply study for the automation and remote management station
Hydraulic modeling of existing and planned networks
Financial and economic studies
Environmental and social impact study and development of the ESMP environmental and social management plan