CONCEPT a remporté le contrat « Services de consultant pour la réalisation de l’étude d'impacts environnementale et sociale (EIES) et la préparation du plan de gestion environnementale et sociale (PGES) pour la construction d'une
Avenue Kheireddine Pacha 1073 Mont Plaisir +(216) 70 029 920
CONCEPT a remporté le contrat « Services de consultant pour la réalisation de l’étude d'impacts environnementale et sociale (EIES) et la préparation du plan de gestion environnementale et sociale (PGES) pour la construction d'une
As part of the feasibility study for the drinking water supply in the volcanic region of Rwanda, CONCEPT mobilized during the period from July 19 to August 23, 2022, a team
Le PARU « Projet d’Assainissement et de Résilience Urbaine » sous tutelle du Ministère ivoirien de l’Assainissement et de la Salubrité a confié au Groupement tuniso-portugais « CONCEPT/Prospectiva/Lipor » la réalisation de « l’Etude de faisabilité technique
As part of the Conakry Sanitation Project (PAC), a CONCEPT engineer went to Conakry in June 2022 to participate in the examination of candidatures relating to the prequalification
The Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Group held its 2022 Annual Meetings in Sharm Al-Sheikh, from June 1 to 4, 2022, under the theme “Beyond Recovery:
Du 8 au 10 juin 2022, se sont tenus à Accra, Ghana les deux EVENEMENTS ‘’Water Africa’’ et ‘’West Africa Bulding & Construction’’ et ce après deux années d’interruption due au Covid-19. Placée
The Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology of the Republic of Maldives has entrusted CONCEPT, along with other partners, to review the National Waste Management Policy
Water professionals from around the world met in Dakar from 21 to 26 March 2022 for the 9th edition of the World Water Forum, which is
Démarré le 26 février 2022, Niger ; c'est le Premier ministre, SEM. Ouhoumoudou Mahamadou, qui a présidé la cérémonie officielle d'ouverture de la 7e édition du Salon qui s'est déroulée sur l'esplanade du
The project team accompanied by executives of the national agency of waste management (ANGED) in the framework of the project study of rehabilitation and development of the controlled landfill of Aguareb in Sfax in
The project team accompanied by representatives of the DGBGTH, the INP and organizations involved in the Protection Study of Hammam Mallégue made a visit to the archaeological site of Hammam Mallégue, to :
The Ministry of Equipment has just entrusted the project "STRATEGIC STUDY OF FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT IN TUNISIA" to an international grouping led by CONCEPT Tunisian design office and BRLi (France)
From 06 to 09 October 2021 in SFAX, CONCEPT was present at the Mediterranean Exhibition of Building MEDIBAT Pole of attraction of the great builders and actors of innovation, MEDIBAT was always a
Water professionals from Africa and around the world gathered in Kampala from February 24 to 27, 2020 for the 20th edition of the International Congress and Exhibition organized
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