Preliminary technical studies of 21 sites to select 10: the selection was made on the basis of natural data but also on the basis of socio-economic data concerning the financial population, the impact of the project on their activities and living standards ...
Preliminary design studies on the 10 priority sites.
Study of the APD and preparation of the tender documents (DAO) for the five sites selected at the end of the APS.
Geological and geotechnical studies; Hydrological studies; Pedological and agronomic studies: Establishment of soil resource maps, establishment of the status of ecosystem restoration and degraded lands by watershed/site, establishment of the status of soil quality and improvement of their physico-chemical and hydrodynamic fertility by selecting representative sectors and farms, ....).
Socio-economic studies; Environmental studies: socio-economic surveys, study of the expected impact on water and soil resources, impact on family income, standard of living, quality of life of women, schooling, employment, unemployment, seasonal employment, etc.