Avenue Kheireddine Pacha 1073 Mont Plaisir +(216) 70 029 920 contact@concept.com.tn
Wastewater, Stormwater & Flood Protection |
The services covered by this contract relate to the assistance of ONAS in the technical evaluation of bids from construction companies, the control and approval of design studies, sizing and execution, monitoring of civil engineering works, assembly of equipment,...
Drinking water supply and water resources management |
The objective of the assignment is to assist the Project Coordination Unit (PCU) in the implementation of the project for the rehabilitation and extension of drinking water supply and sanitation systems in the cities of Bambari and Bozoum. The service will be provided by...
Hydraulic development - water management and treatment |
It is a question of updating the studies of APD, the DAO and the file of execution relating to - A fixed dam in ground, length of crest = 1100m; maximum height = 49m; Volume of the Body = 4 200 000m3 - The...
Wastewater, Stormwater & Flood Protection |
The objective of the study is to examine the technical and financial feasibility and sustainability of 12 pilot projects for adaptation to climate change in the OMVS member states. These pilot projects are intended primarily to fight against climate change...
Wastewater, Stormwater & Flood Protection |
The project is part of the First Sub-Project for Rainwater Sanitation in the Peripheral Neighborhoods of Ouagadougou (SPAQPO). This sub-project is implemented by the Municipality of Ouagadougou through a management unit. It consists in carrying out...
Irrigation-Agronomy-Pedology |
The PRODEFIL (Agro-pastoral development project and associated sectors) in the Governorate of Medenine, is a local and inclusive community development project, focused on the value chains of promising sectors, particularly the sheep meat, goat meat and dairy sectors.
Drinking water supply and water resources management |
One key element of the IMAGINE program is to increase access to potable drinking water for one million people by expanding and rehabilitating water systems in Goma and Bukavu, as well as the restructuring of the management of these water systems
Irrigation-Agronomy-Pedology |
The project, whose objective is to improve the living conditions of the local population living upstream of the Nebhana hydraulic system, is part of the new strategy for the development and conservation of agricultural land being developed by the Ministry of Agriculture...
Drinking water supply and water resources management |
The project aims to sustainably improve the living conditions of the populations of five regions in southern Mauritania by significantly contributing to the achievement of the MDGs in terms of access to drinking water and basic sanitation services. The improvement of...
Wastewater, Stormwater & Flood Protection |
Abidjan is experiencing rapid urbanization. However the extension of the network and the introduction of rotective measures in the urban environment, have not followed the development of the city. This situation has caused loss of human life,...
Hydraulic development - water management and treatment |
The study of surface water mobilization will contribute in the medium term to economic growth and poverty reduction in Cape Verde. The sectoral objective of the study is to ensure a balanced exploitation of surface water in the long term...
Drinking water supply and water resources management |
This project is part of the Government's efforts to improve the living conditions of rural populations in the wilayas of Gorgol, Brakna and Tagant. The PNISER provides for the realization of works for the supply of water to...
Wastewater, Stormwater & Flood Protection |
The city of Espargos does not have a wastewater treatment infrastructure. A large part of the population (about 70%) is served by individual systems. As a direct consequence, insalubrity often reaches worrying proportions, with household wastewater being regularly poured out.
Wastewater, Stormwater & Flood Protection |
Suite au séisme du 12 janvier 2010, le Gouvernement Haïtien (GOH) a sollicité un appui de l’Agence Française de Développement (AFD) afin d'exécuter des travaux d’exécution des infrastructures urbaines et d’aider à la reconstruction de la région métropolitaine. Cet appui...
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