Consultation and analysis of previous studies ;
Summary of studies and previous reports and use of results in this context ;
Data Consolidation (climate, geological, hydrological and hydraulic) ;
Topographic survey
Statement to the LIDAR
Delineation of watersheds and sub‐watersheds with GIS, mapping and hydrological study of the basin volume and area covered ;
Proposal for an improved plan of the drainage system on GIS and CAD support and an insulation scheme drainage network
Hydrological modeling of basins for different return periods using HEC‐HMS for S> 80 ha ;
Study of rainfall ;
Sizing the drainage and dyke and dam with the ICM software Info works latter two ;
Geotechnical study, assessment of the depth of the water table and surveys ;
Study of the soil ;
Proposal of a maintenance program and a plan of education and awareness for the sustainabili-ty of landscaped drainage network.
Development and financial study of an annual pilot project and of short duration for education and awareness of resident children.
Study of impact of development projected on the environment and on the lives of residents.
Description of the institutional and regulatory framework of the ESIA ; the development project, to include the variants analyzed and the reasons justifying the choice of the variant adopted and the initial environment of the project ;
Socio‐economic surveys.
Identify the impacts of the project during the implementation phase and operation ;
Proposal for mitigation or risk including compensation for those affected by the project ;
Proposal of a surveillance and monitoring program and an Environmental Management Plan (EMP).