The objective of the project is (1) to prepare a document describing and analyzing the current status of plastic waste management in theUEMOA area (2) to prepare a paper on trends in plastic waste law in these countries and (3) to propose the establishment of an EU regulatory framework to provide policy makers with proposals to address specific aspects of plastic waste management.
Meeting in each country of the WAEMU space the persons in charge of the structures in charge of solid waste management in general and plastic waste in particular.
Collection and analysis of data on the regulatory, legal, institutional, organizational and technical frameworks of plastic waste management in the WAEMU region.
Establishment of the state of the art of plastic waste management in each country of the WAEMU area and diagnosis of the management systems in place.
Critical reading of the legal and fiscal texts collected.
Analysis of the production of plastic waste (origin, quantification, management costs of plastic waste in countries where treatment channels exist).
Proposal of a plastic waste management system in the WAEMU area.